AB News-July 10, 2024
A total of 2909 houses in Buthidaung town, under Maungdaw district, Northern Rakhine state were burned to ashes. Among the houses, Rakhine houses were 2237, Muslim houses 550, and 122 Hindu houses included. This information was published at the 9th press conference of ULA/AA on 8 June.

In addition, the AB News reporters practically visited the sites and found that 15 Buddhist Monasteries and 7 Christian Churches in Buthidaung were torched after looting the valuable items.
A team of AB News reporters visited Buthidaung town in June and was able to record video interviews with more than 50 people including religious leaders, UN staff, and local people. In the investigative interviews, who, how, when torched the houses and religious infrastructure in Buthidaung found that Islamist extremist ARSA, ARA, and the Muslims who were given military training by the Myanmar Military Council itself provided security to the Muslim mob during setting on fire.
“Arson attack on Buthidaung town was carried out by the Muslim people, and before setting fire, especially on Rakhine houses they looted the valuable things and carried the looted stuff,” said a security staff of UNHCR, Ko Ko Naing who witnessed the event.
“Setting on fire was by the Muslims, before torching the houses they looted the valuable things, especially from Rakhine houses. He said, “As I was in Buthidaung town, I saw everything with my own eyes. We have been there since March. Seeing they were looting the things we told them to take stuff that they wanted but requested them not to set on fire”. At that time, they told us “OK” As soon as we left the place, they torched the houses. 98% of Muslims in Buthidaung looted from the Rakhine houses and burned down the houses into ashes. In such a heinous act, the Muslims from rural villages who were displaced due to battle, taking shelter in Buthidaung also took part. Although my house was not included among the burning houses, they took away the fence and poles. The Muslim mob took away even the windows, doors, etc. from the houses which were not burned, the tin sheets of the rooftops were too taken away.”
The father of the Christian church is esteemed as the Anglican Christian Church in Buthidaung Ven. U Than Win who was able to escape from the trap of death said that the Myanmar military council, ARSA, and Muslim militias torched his church.
“Our Christian Church was burned to ashes on 14 April at around 4:30 pm. I prevented them, I was with my family and also was a member of our association, and also was a religious teacher. We all prevented them but could not deter them from setting fire at anyhow. They ordered us not to stay back inside otherwise you all died alive. The mob of Muslims was bigger in number. I could not take any pictures for a memorial, if I did so then I would have burned alive there. That’s why we had to move from the place. They were not able to deter anyhow. This is the site of religion, told to them again and again. The sign board was also there. They (Muslims) could see the written scripts on the signboard of the Anglican Association, Myanmar Christian Association, land of Religion, Tha Bray Kone ward, Block 4, Buthidaung township.
I told them again and again that this is a religious building, and not to harm it. They told us in response to our request that as our Church is in the Rakhine populace area, they must torch it. I failed to prevent them.” the father said.
In addition, U Than Win, the Ven. Father of the Church, a survivor of the killing squad of Myanmar Military Council-backed ARSA who was released.
“I showed them my ID card, I did not know if they could read that but they said, “You are Rakhine, You are Rakhine”. They knew me well and my profession as well, lastly they tied me from behind and continuously hit on my head with the hilt of the baton of the gun. I fell to the ground just before I was about to lose my senses.
Muslims Kalars asked me if I knew the ground. I replied this is the ground. I was told that they would bury me in this ground alive. I told them to go ahead to do the same as I was not a criminal, I would ask God for their wellbeing.
“Oh; My God! I am your child carrying your duty.”
I am not the messenger to give you the news as per the accused. In fact, we are coming here to trace 2 relatives who went missing. I do accept that if I happen to be killed, it should be by your order. At that time Muslims took me out from the ground. Then I was told to tell them the truth, not to kill me. At the time I was held, I requested to a Border Guard Police who was with a Walkie Talkie that sirs please save me, and requested him to inform the assigned higher authority. I told them we were looking for our 2 missing people. When I was brought back from the ground after 5 minutes, a voice message came through the walkie-talkie saying they were looking for 2 missing people. He is a good man living in Gandaree Village. I got released by them after enduring torture for 2 and 3 hours. After I reached home I could not stand up at all. It was 11 May. 2 people went missing on 10 May.
“The soldiers of the Military Council and its allies namely ARSA, RSO, ARA, and the Muslim militia who were provided military training by the Tatmadaw started an arson attack on Buthidaung from 11 April and lasted until 17 May.” Eye witness of Buthidaung said.
“As evidence, we are the eyewitnesses. It was not done by the Arakan Army. The Arakan Army entered the town on 18 May in the morning. Just before AA appeared, the main market in Buthidaung was on fire. AA extinguished the remnant fire with the help of people.” UNHCR staff Ko Ko Naing said to the AB News.
Smashing and destroying the Buddha statues in Buthidaung town and looted goods were found in the homes of ARSA’s leaders.
The bronze Buddha statue from the Pauk Pin Rin Buddhist monastery, at ward no. 5, block 1, was found leaving feces on its hands and chest.
AA officially announced that Buthidaung was freed from the Myanmar military council on 18 May at noon.