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CYLA asks for money after destroying the goods of Arakan traders in India.

AB News- July 9, 2024

In the Lawngtlai district of Mizoram state in India, the Central Young Lai Association blocked the road of transporting goods of Rakhine aka Arakan traders and destroyed drums of fuel including other commodities and asked for money from the traders.  Rakhine traders said.

It is learnt that on 5 July, at 10 am, CYLA, associated with the Mizora police, destroyed more than 100 drums of fuel by pouring down into a stream and burning down. Besides, some of the goods were taken away by their vehicles. 

On 8 July, yesterday at around 9;30 p.m., eight Rakhine traders from Sittwe and Kyauktaw in Rakhine state were taken to the CYLA office, 5 young people in the office told the traders that they would not be allowed to stay in India if they wanted to stay then they have to pay 3500 Rupee for each person. A trader said. 

“We the Rakhine traders have been blocking the road by the CYLA. Due to blockage, our commercial commodities have been damaged. Now, we traders were called to their office and told us we would not be allowed to stay in India. If we wanted to stay then we would have to pay them Rupee and as per their illegal demand  we had to pay 3500 Rupee each and for 8 traders a total of 27,000 Rupee.” A trader said. 

Despite AB News having confirmed that the CYLA office has taken money from the traders, for the security concern the names of the traders have not been disclosed. 

The road between Palatwa and India has been blocked since 24 June and after 2 weeks of remaining in the same situation, the traders had to count the loss of Thousand Million Kyats. It is learnt that due to the cut off the supply road, the prices of the commodities are rising in Palatwa and Rakhine regions.

It is learnt that the members of the CYLA are all Indian nationals who blocked roads because the Arakan Army took part in the battle to occupy Motubi town in Chin state together with the Chin brotherhood groups. 

In addition, “ as the members of CYLA are Indian nationals, and registered organization with the Indian government, interfering with internal ethnic problems in Myanmar is not acceptable” Khaing Thu Kha the spokesperson of the ULA/AA told the Irrawaddy news in an interview.

It is found that they are Indian citizens, and an Indian government registration organization, such as CYLA  interfering in the ethnic affairs in Myanmar would be complex and an Indian organization’s interfering in Myanmar affairs is not acceptable.

AB News tried to contact CYLA but could not get in touch.

